Case Study

Website Design & Development for New England Dairy

Udderly delighted to craft a website around their brand.


Jackrabbit was called in at the beginning of 2019 to help with the design and development of a new website. The need was part of the ongoing evolution of New England Dairy, and a primary goal was making their new branding shine. We got to work architecting the robust site—considering the different types of audiences, from educators and nutritionists to the general public. We organized logical site sections and created a flexible, well-branded user interface that would grow with them.

Visit Site

For Farmers

We designed and developed a section of the site geared towards their farmers. This “For Farmers” hub features information on the main program areas that serve farmers locally, news items catered to farmers, helpful resources like promotional materials, and more.

New England Dairy website design
New England Dairy website design
New England Dairy website design
New England Dairy website design
New England Dairy website design
New England Dairy website design


We paid extra attention to the areas people would be even more likely to keep coming back to—like the recipes section. We allowed for the most important information to have first billing, followed by enticing imagery, and then the full recipe and instructions. Users can sort the recipes by meal type and category—so finding a breakfast recipe that’s also a healthy choice is a cinch!

New England Dairy website design recipes on the go

So Many Puns

Of course, we had to have some fun with the 404 page. All of the rabbits came up with their best lines. New England Dairy picked their favorites, and we made those the headline options that can show up at random whenever a user lands on the page.

New England Dairy website 404 page
New England Dairy website 404 page

Meet the Farm Families

Strategizing a thoughtful user experience for featuring the farm families was key. We created a map of New England that allows users to see the farms in each state, with the ability to click into each farm and learn more.

New England Dairy website design Farm Families
New England Dairy website design Farm Families
New England Dairy website design Farm Families
New England Dairy website design Farm Families
New England Dairy website design Farm Families
New England Dairy website design Farm Families